Spiral Up
Lead a Productive and Healthy Team Environment
Are you or your team facing adversity, change, confusion, uncertainty, conflict, or all the above?
That uncertainty is called the Fog. Like in the weather, it disrupts our ability to see clearly, and we feel unsure of and vulnerable to what lies ahead. It can also spark emotions that feed our self-talk. This self-talk then in turn has the potential of intensifying those emotions. It is circular. They feed on each other. Then we involve others, and the blaming and commiserating begins to take over.
Sound familiar?
Looking to gain that clarity and confidence to move forward through the Fog and onto Productive Behaviors? Not only for yourself, but, for others also?
The Spiral of Accountability™ takes this complex dynamic of human self-talk and team interactions and simplifies it into a visual representation that allows the readers to identify, name, and understand what is going on with them and the people around them. It then shows a pathway towards improving their reactions.
Don’t miss Carol’s new book available now!
Expand Your Knowledge
with Carol
Carol takes us through a discussion to learn how and why to use the Spiral of Accountability™. Join Carol on our YouTube Channel to learn more!
Spiral Up with the upper part of the Spiral of Accountability.