
One of the books that has greatly influenced me over the years is (surprise!) Synchronicity—The Inner Path of Leadership by Joseph Jaworski. I have read this book several times, consistently taking something new from it each time. But there is one quote that has rung in my ears during the entire 20 years of reading this book.

“We don’t describe the world we see; we see the world we describe.”

There is so much in those words. Today, I want to discuss the power of those words. The idea that we control, through our thoughts, how we perceive something, now that is powerful! And how we talk about something can influence how others could see the world, too. That is a lot of power as well.

In the “consideration” phase of Spiraling Up you challenge your perceptions of a situation or a person. You control that inner monologue and ask yourself to describe something in a much more positive way (and most likely a more accurate way). You have that power!

As you continue to Spiral Up you bring others into the picture and how you talk about a situation, an issue, an idea, a person, influences how others see it. This provides you even more power to influence the situation. Which brings me to a favorite quote from Voltaire, “with great power, comes great responsibility.” (I know you were thinking Uncle Ben in Spider Man!). This power is leadership and needs to be used with great thought and care. Think about how you describe things to others. There is so much in those words. Be In Synch!


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