What the Fog!????

In the Spiral of Accountability, the “Fog,” represented by the grey blob in the middle of the model, is those moments of uncertainty, confusion, worry when we have no clear path forward. I think we can all agree this experience with COVID-19 is definitely a Fog.

One of the chapters I have been outlining is around navigating the Fog. I find this current Fog very interesting since everyone is in it at once. Like everyone, on the planet!

One of the things that is very important in navigating the fog is being clear about what we are feeling and why. It is easy during this time to mis-name our emotions and thus we act on the wrong feeling with behaviors that are more Spiral Down than Spiral Up.

A few key things I think need to happen in order for us to Spiral Up:

  • We need to lean into and on each other (obviously not physically). If there is one thing I have noticed in the past week is the humanity being expressed and the love being shared between friends and co-workers. We are in this together.

  • We need to process these feelings, not bury them, ignore them or obsess on them. Because of the closeness we are feeling (ironically, we had to have “social distancing” to feel this), we have greater permission to talk about feelings than ever before, even “at” work. We are in this together.

  • We need to think appreciatively. Not just appreciating or being grateful for what we have but appreciating the opportunity we have to create something new together, to innovate. There will be a new normal when we come back together, and it can be really awesome!

The big picture message I want to send (if it isn’t already clear) is that we are all in this together. It is together that we will Spiral Up. It is together that we will be going forward. Love to all!


Stay In The Fog


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